
The Vale Golf & Country Club

Seniors Team Open Start Sheet

Wednesday 24th April, Tee - Yellow, International Course Course

The contact for this competition is John Weight (07523 070270)

08:30Grant Miller (6.7), John Gilbertson (13.1), Ivan Green (14.4) & Eric Fennell (15.7)
08:40Paul Newman (15.8), John Gilbert (19.3), Peter Beach (19.4) & Martin Foley (20.6)
08:50James Rushworth (7.3), Peter Azizi (11.8), Michael Collier (14.2) & Michael Hird (18.3)
09:00Steve Hampton (11.2), Ian Phillips (19.6), STEVE MARSH (22.0) & David Bradford (23.1)
09:10Paul Kavanagh (), Mark Towler (12.6), Paul Kavanagh (13.6) & Philip Godding (15.4)
09:20Mike Brown (13.8), Barrie Evans (18.1), Chris Gardner (18.9) & Ian Castle (31.0)
09:30Fred Fawkes (4.4), Rob Millward (11.1), Trevor Sidwell (17.5) & Roderick (OG) Smith (21.4)
09:40Richard Williams (6.9), Paul Foster (8.2), Malcolm Beach (12.4) & John Beeston (12.8)
09:50Mark Harris (16.1), Karl Murcott (18.0), John Hutchinson (23.0) & Neil Thomson (23.2)
10:00David Niblett (11.6), Richard Waldon (12.0), Brian Mallon (13.1) & Trevor Smith (14.4)
10:10Peter Coventry (15.5), Denis Husband (19.1), Kenneth Chesterman (21.8) & Paul Ryder (30.5)
10:20Tony Weatherhead (12.2), Ian Geden (15.7), Peter Oatley (16.1) & Andrew Spriggs (19.4)
10:30Tony John (12.3), Richard Moore (12.6), Doug Scott (17.6) & Kevin Ronayne (21.9)
10:40Darrell Norwood (8.9), Derek Bayes (12.5), Steven Phillips (15.0) & Maurice Hill (20.2)
10:50Steve Webley (9.1), Paul Kilburn (11.6), Dave Thomas (11.7) & John Sibley (13.7)
11:00Mark Woodhead (9.7), Pat Waldron (11.3), John Parsons (14.6) & Ian Perry (19.1)
11:10Stuart Edwards (11.1), David Harper (12.7), Christopher Peck (17.5) & Anil Chauhan (19.1)
11:20David Sandilands (4.8), Tony Marchand (7.3), Anthony Welford (9.6) & Alan Reade (10.4)
11:30John Swann (10.7), Roger Cottell (13.8), Robert Finlay (20.7) & Robert Brownsdon (26.5)
11:40Neil Timbrell (5.2), Graham Collins (8.8), Mike Wood (9.4) & John Hornby (12.8)
11:50Richard Castleton (17.2), David Grenfell (17.6), Ian Buxcey (17.9) & Mick Miller (19.3)
12:00Ian Macrae (11.6), David Kent (11.8), Erle Andrews (16.3) & Andy Vale (18.3)
12:10Arthur Collingwood (16.1), Steven Peacock (18.7), Michael Lewis (20.0) & Brian Leggott (23.5)
12:30Tony Jones (13.9), Richard Cooke (14.5), Bob Goldsbrough (14.8) & Terry Rawnsley (15.0)
12:50Denis Blasdale (15.9), Kenneth Harrison (17.0), David Turrall (17.4) & Peter Bennett (19.5)
13:00Nigel Jarman (14.0), Michael John King (17.6), Mr R M Parker (19.6) & Geoff Bridgeman (19.8)

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